ANSA McAL’s success a testimony to Guyana’s economic stability

Dear Editor,
It is surprising indeed that, all of a sudden, 20 years have gone by since ANSA McAL has been doing business in Guyana. Its success is no doubt attributable to continuous investment in research and development, employee dedication and commitment to customers. These were the words of the Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Anthony Sabga. I believe Guyana’s stable economic climate played a major role as well.
Evidence is in abundance that Guyana is really on the move: better quality of life, improvements and expansion in the hinterland region, investment in the first peoples, excellence at CXC and CAPE, expansions in tourism and housing, and the list goes on.
As for this group, its contribution to Guyana must be lauded. Currently, ANSA McAL is conducting a feasibility study for a bio-fuel project in Guyana to the value of over US$300 million. I believe ANSA McAL’s presence in Guyana is testimony to the country’s development.

Yours truly,
Hermon Wilson

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